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Bred to Die
Modern slaughter plants operate like any other factory production line. The difference is, the products are living animals who feel pain. Many workers are paid according to the numbers killed, so stopping the line for injured animals means less money.

Scientific studies reveal that stunning techniques cause animals distress but often fail to render them unconscious. Pigs stunned with carbon dioxide hyperventilate, panic and try to escape. Sheep stunned with electric tongs may be only paralysed by the current and unable to cry out.

Cattle who are not stunned effectively with the captive bolt pistol are shot again or knifed whilst still conscious. And it's no better for chickens, turkeys and ducks - they take so long to die that they routinely regain consciousness while bleeding to death.

How you can help
Please don't support this toll of suffering by eating meat. In your lifetime, you will eat about 900 animals. So go veggie and save lives!

Help a farmed animal sanctuary!
The FRIEND farmed animal sanctuary in Kent cares for animals that would have been destined for slaughter. Here is the story of one of the animals at the sanctuary. Rani the fawn coloured calf was already on the knacker man's truck, ready to be taken away and killed. The knacker man was a gross, fat beast of man and he'd been seen kicking Rani, trying to make her stand. She just closed her eyes tight and gave up hope. Rani was bought and the little calf collapsed in shock, her eyes still tightly closed. When she was carried up to the sanctuary, she finally opened her eyes and saw Rosie, the dark chocolate cow. It was as though she had realised her ordeal was over. Please support this and other sanctuaries. Donations can be sent to FRIEND, Linton View, Bush Road, East Peckham, Kent TN12 5LT. Thank you!