City of Plymouth Animal Welfare Charter
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City of Plymouth Animal Welfare Charter


Choose Cruelty-free in Plymouth


Farmed Animals


Animals in 'entertainment'

Dairy Products and Eggs

Campaigns in Plymouth

Plymouth City Council has adopted the following "declaration of intent" for the welfare of animals. In as much as there is ample evidence that many animal species are capable of feeling, we condemn totally the infliction of unnecessary suffering upon our fellow creatures and the unreasonable curtailment of their behavioural and other needs.
"We do not accept that a difference in species alone can justify wanton exploitation in the name of science or sport or for their use as food, for commercial profit or other human gain.
"We beleive that as moral agents, humans have a responsibility for the welfare of all captive and domestic animals and all wild animals in so far that human activities impinge upon them"
"We therefore call for the establishment of highest welfare standards for all those animals used by humans and for the protection of every animal against unnecessary suffering."

Working towards acheiving the sentiments expressed in the declaration, the City Council has devised a series of suggestions and measures:

The document from which this page is re-produced, "The Welfare of Animals", published in leaflet form, is available from Plymouth City Council, Civic Centre, Plymouth PL1 2EW Tel: 01752 668000 and contains items on the following;
Companion Animals
Pet Shops
Exotic Animals
Animals as Prizes
Control of Animal Breeding & Boarding Establishments
Performing Animals
Animals In Films
Wild Life
Hunting with Dogs
Agrochemicals & Pesticides
Transport of Food Animals
Animal Experimentation
Slaughtering of Food Animals
Tethering of Horse and Ponies

Please obtain a copy of the charter and complain to the Council if you see any infringement of it's policies.